Nine Legislative Candidates with Disabilities are in the 2024 DPR DCS

Sembilan Bacaleg Disabilitas Ada dalam DCS DPR 2024
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A total of nine candidates for legislative members (bacaleg) with impairments are on the Provisional Candidate List (DCS) for the 2024 House of Representatives (DPR). The impaired Bacalegs consist of seven physically impaired persons, one visually impaired person, and one deaf sensory impaired person.

The General Election Commission (KPU), through its press release, named persons with disabilities as nine persons with disabilities in the 2024 Simultaneous Election DPR DCS. All three of these Bacalegs come from the United Development Party (PPP). The rest are one person from each of the Golongan Karya Party (Golkar), the National Democratic Party (Nas-Dem), the Prosperous Justice Party (PKS), the Crescent Star Party (PBB), the Indonesian Solidarity Party (PSI), and the Indonesian Association (Perindo).

The representation of persons with disabilities in elections is regulated in Law Number 7 of 2017 concerning general elections. In Article 5 of the revocation, persons with disabilities have the same opportunity as voters, as candidates for members of the DPR, as candidates for members of the DPD, as candidates for president or vice president, as candidates for DPRD members, and as election organizers.

Previously, the KPU announced that DCS would be a legislative candidate for the DPR in the 2024 simultaneous elections. A total of 9,925 legislative candidates were declared to have met the nomination requirements. 105 of them will be 21 years old on November 3, 2023.

To observe the list of names listed in the DCS, the public can access the KPU website via The public can also provide input and responses within the timeframe of August 19–28, 2023. []


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