The book "Imagination of Constitutional Judges Tafsir Pemilu Serentak" by Didik Supriyanto contains information and education in encouraging the ideal and constitutional electoral format. Published by the Association for Elections and Democracy (Perludem), this book also pays attention to the process of conducting elections, especially the stages of announcement and counting of votes. The author would like to remind, the arrangement of the schedule of announcements and calculations has many consequences to the organizers, voters, and participants. How strong the principle of direct, general, secret-free elections (Luber) and honest and fair (Jurdil) can be accounted for from the consequences of election schedule choice.
Didik arranges the book into two parts. First, it contains articles published in Kompas and consisting of 12 titles. Second, it contains expert information on two emphasises: presidential strengthening through setting election schedules; then a comprehensive solution: national elections and regional elections.
Didik's big idea encourages the improvement of the quality of Indonesian elections with the concept of scheduling simultaneous national elections and regional simultaneous elections. National simultaneous elections to elect the president-vice president, members of the DPR, as well as senators of the DPD simultaneously on one day of voting. While the regional elections simultaneously to elect governors, regents / mayors - vice mayors, members of the provincial DPRD, and members of the district / city DPRD simultaneously. Two executive and legislative positions at once in one regional simultaneous election.
Furthermore, the book describes in detail how to draft an ideal and constitutional electoral format. Ideal and constitutional elections are elections that fulfill two aspects. First, the process of implementing the election stage makes it easier for voters to vote, eases the burden of organizers' work, and equates political parties and candidates in campaigns. Second, the election results (elected candidates) must be representative and able to create effective government.
This book is a recommendation as a material or reference for various parties. Policy makers, practitioners of elections and democracy, election organizers, the campus world and of course including the press, it is important to read this book to understand. The knowledge offered by this book is relatively new, especially in the context of the post-Verdict of the Court No.55/PPU-XVII/2019, to be a reference for improving the quality of Indonesian elections. []
Chairman of the Electoral Commission (KPU) Dogiyai Regency, Papua
The Imagination of a Constitutional Judge: Simultaneous Election Interpretation

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Usep Hasan Sadikin
About Author
Usep Hasan Sadikin telah menerima ulasan berbintang di Publishers Weekly, Library Journal, dan Booklist. Dia adalah new York Times dan buku terlaris USA Today dan pemenang ® RITA.
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