The Association for Elections and Democracy (Perludem) second election class discussed election actors. Wednesday (4/22), the discussion focused on the General Elections Commission (KPU). In this virtual class, the Deputy Executive Director of Perludem, Khoirunnisa Nur Agustiyati presented material on the election management model, election management principles, election cycles and the work of election administrators, KPU functions, recruitment of KPU members, and election governance.
Election Management Models
There are three models of the EMB, namely the independent model, the government EMB model, and the combination model.
In the independent model, the EMB is separate from the executive branch and has the authority to manage its own finances and work programs, without interference from other state institutions. This model also requires that commissioners and secretarial staff come from non-government elements, usually academics, researchers and election activists.
The independent model is the most widely applied model in the world, especially by countries undergoing the transition from authoritarian to democratic countries. Examples of countries that apply this model are Indonesia, Armenia, Australia, Bosnia Herzegovina, and Canada.
“If we look at statistics, the most widely applied is the independent model. There are 63 percent. Those who apply this model are especially new countries that are transforming to a democratic system," said Khoirunnisa.
Then in the government model, the holding of elections is organized by a state executive agency, usually the ministry of home affairs (kemendagri) or local governments (pemda). Usually, the chairman of the government's election administration is a minister or cabinet leader, who is responsible to the president. Examples of countries that apply the government model are Denmark, New Zealand, and Singapore.
"But usually it's only for elections. If the referendum is held separately," said Khoirunnisa.
And in the combination model, the EMB consists of two structural components, namely the government and the independent. The government element takes care of the stages of the election, and the independent element makes policies and carries out supervision. France and countries in West Africa apply this model.
Principles of Election management body
There are seven principles that must be held by election organizers. First, independence. This principle has two meanings. Institutionally, that the EMB is an independent institution or an institution part of a ministry or government. Behaviorally, election administrators should not be influenced or subject to any party.
“The legal framework is the basis of the KPU's independence. If the implementation model is independent or a combination, the commitment of the personnel to be independent is much more important, so strong leadership is needed,” explained Khoirunnisa.
Second, impartiality. The KPU must behave fairly, evenly and equally to all election participants. In the government election management model, this principle also means that the organizers should not be inclined to support the government's political parties.
Third, integrity. Demonstrating behavior of integrity by election administrators will maintain public trust. Therefore, a regulation is needed that gives the KPU the authority to take action against members or staff of the KPU secretariat who threaten the integrity of the institution.
Fourth, transparency. This principle relates to the technical operations of election administration and finance. Transparency can also prevent corrupt behavior because its openness will empower observers and the public to identify irregularities.
"If the KPU applies the principles of transparency, then this can prevent the KPU from taking corrupt actions, and can identify financial violations, election violations, or weak competencies, or favoritism towards certain groups," said Khoirunnisa.
Fifth, efficiency. The stages and programs regulated by the KPU must be efficient in terms of budget.
Sixth, professionalism. The KPU and its secretariat must work carefully and accurately, and have knowledge of elections and the administration of honest and fair elections.
"Not only commissioners, but it is also important to fill the secretariat with people who are trained and have technical competence who can hold elections with a high standard of professionalism," concluded Khoirunnisa.
Seventh, the principle of service. KPU is obliged to provide maximum service, both to all election participants and voters.
"To quote one of the former members of the KPU for the 2007-2012 period, Abdul Aziz, the KPU must have a tagline of fast food restaurants, which can be reached at any time," he said.
KPU’s Working Period
The KPU's working period is in line with the election cycle, and the election cycle consists of pre-election, election, and post-election. This means that the work of the KPU is not only when there is an election stage, but also in the pre-election period, namely making KPU regulations.
"This post-election is evaluation. In countries that use continuous voter list updating, it can be done. It means that there will be an election or no election, the voter list will still be updated," he explained.
KPU’s Functions
Just like the number of principles for organizing elections, the KPU also has seven functions. In the personnel function, millions of election organizers in the KPU ranks, namely from the RI KPU, provincial KPU, regency/municipal KPU, District Election Committee (PPK), Voting Committee (PPS), and Voting Organizer Group (KPPS), must work professionally. In order for this function to run well, it requires training to increase the capacity of the organizers.
In the financial function, the KPU carries out the preparation, discussion, and supervision of the budget it manages.
"The budget for holding elections is not small, for that it must be accounted for," said Khoirunnisa.
"Then in the legal function, the KPU has the function of interpreting and compiling legislation. The KPU can also provide recommendations and suggestions for the formation of electoral laws.
"The KPU has experience in holding elections, it can be a record in the formation of laws related to technical elections. For example, from the KPU's evaluation of yesterday's five-box election," she said.
Another function is investigation. If during the general election in the field, the KPU encounters technical and administrative problems, the KPU can use its investigative function to resolve the issue.
The KPU also has logistical and operational functions. Logistics must be prepared, field personnel must be directed, and communication networks must be maintained.
In addition, the KPU also functions as an election data processor. Election data can be processed for voter education purposes, or as electoral research data.
"Many things can be learned and interpreted from the existing electoral data," said Khoirunnisa.
The last function is information and publication. The KPU must publish the information it has regarding the stages and process of holding elections in order to increase public participation and trust.
KPU Recruitment
According to Ninis, the KPU member recruitment schedule needs to be adjusted to the election schedule. If the recruitment is carried out in the middle of the election stage, it is feared that the focus of the incumbent KPU members in organizing the election will decrease. This condition is also not ideal to allow sufficient time for new election administrators to adapt.
“The draft election law has now separated the national and regional elections. But if we look at the recruitment, it has not been adjusted to the schedule. So, while it is still a draft, we can still get input, fellow organizers can provide input regarding this," he said.
Not just anyone can be a member of the selection team. There are five requirements that must be met, namely having a good reputation and track record, having credibility and integrity, understanding election issues, having the ability to conduct selection recruitment, and not currently serving as an election organizer. The selection team also ideally has a good gender perspective, so as not to stigmatize women candidates for KPU members who have special conditions.
“As before, there were pregnant women participating in the selection. But then she was not accepted because she was considered unable because she was pregnant,” said Khoirunnisa.
KPU and Secretariat governance
The national KPU is the regulator, the provincial KPU is the coordinator, and the regency/municipal KPU is the implementer. National KPU members are tasked with making collegial collective policies, being responsible for certain divisions, being regional coordinators (korwil), and leading certain working groups.
Meanwhile, the chair and concurrently member of the national KPU is tasked with leading plenary meetings and all KPU activities, acting for and on behalf of the KPU outwardly and inwardly, coordinating divisions and regional coordinators, facilitating the implementation of divisional and regional coordination tasks, and facilitating knowledge sharing between divisions.
In each of the ranks of the KPU to the Regency/Municipal KPU, there is a secretariat that serves as a supporting system. The secretary general of the KPU is administratively and functionally responsible to the chairman of the KPU RI. The secretary of the provincial KPU is functionally responsible to the chair of the provincial KPU and administratively to the secretary general of the KPU RI. The secretary of the regency/city KPU is functionally responsible to the head of the regency/city KPU and administratively to the secretary of the provincial KPU.
“So, there are two responsibilities, functional and administrative. Functionality is more related to stages, programs, and schedules. Meanwhile, the administration is more concerned with the budget and personnel,” explained Khoirunnisa.
The Executive Director of Perludem, Titi Anggraini then explained that the KPU secretariat had been transformed. Previously, KPU staff were civil servants who served in the Ministry of Home Affairs or the Regional Government, but now KPU staff are recruited through open recruitment. The goal, said Titi, is to build KPU institutional values that are independent, independent, and professional.
“This is a reflection of our history. When we want professional, non-partisan, and unbiased people to organize elections, therefore the law clearly divides the secretariat into administration, while KPU members are responsible for functional programs and electoral implementation. This should be the KPU's institutional commitment, so that there is no tug of war between the authorities," explained Titi.
With the existing institutional design, according to Titi, there is no KPU secretariat who feels that they are more capable of holding elections than KPU members, and no KPU members feel that the secretariat's presence hinders the implementation.
"Both of them should be a balance that pushes each other," concluded Titi.