The Civil Society Coalition Demands President Evaluate DKPP Membership

Koalisi Masyarakat Sipil Tuntut Presiden Evaluasi Keanggotaan DKPP
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Civil Society Concerned with Women's Representation (MPKP) demands that the President evaluate the membership of the Election Organizers' Honorary Council (DKPP). This is a statement of the DKPP decision in case No. 110-PKE-DKPP/IX/2023. In this decision, the DKPP actually protected the Chairman and Members of the KPU who had clearly violated the code of ethics for election organizers because they made arrangements for rounding down to 30% of women's representation as a result of the DPR's intervention.

"The President, as head of government, must immediately take concrete action to evaluate DKPP membership in order to maintain the independence of the KPU institution and realize honest, fair, and quality elections," MPKP wrote in a press release in Jakarta (27/10).

The violation of the code of ethics concerns the error in calculating the minimum quota of 30% of women for DPR/DPRD member candidates in Article 8 Paragraph (2) PKPU 10/2023. Through the Supreme Court's (MA) decision, this provision has been proven to violate Law 7/2017.

MPKP assesses that DKPP is unable to work objectively in assessing facts and evidence that clearly show serious violations of the principle of independence. In fact, the examining panel of the case is not only required to have adequate knowledge but is also required to have high integrity so that each decision reflects justice and provides benefits to realize honest, fair, and inclusive contestation.

"The consideration of the DKPP decision is not in sync with the facts and the conclusion regarding the type of violation of the code of ethics for election organizers," he wrote.

In its conclusion, the DKPP said: "The actions of the defendants were proven to be careless and unprofessional in accommodating the DPR's input, thus giving rise to legal uncertainty for the political parties participating in the election." The Civil Society Coalition views this as an effort to turn violations of independent principles into violations of professional principles.

"The conclusion of the DKPP Assembly clearly shows that the DKPP is protecting the chair and members of the KPU who are proven to have committed serious violations of the Mandiri principles," stressed the coalition.

Civil Society Concerned with Women's Representation is a coalition of a number of civil society organizations across issues. The names of the organizations are Election Corner, Gajah Mada University (UGM), Infid Indonesia, Kalyanamitra, Indonesian Women's Coalition (KPI), Network for Democracy and Electoral Integrity (Netgrit), Association for Elections and Democracy (Perludem), Center for Political Studies, University of Indonesia (Puskapol UI), Indonesia Corruption Watch (ICW), and Themis. []