Journal of Elections & Democracy #9: Codification of The Law Update Election Law Towards Simultaneous National and Regional Elections

Jurnal Pemilu & Demokrasi #9: Kodifikasi UU Pemilu Pembaruan Hukum Menuju Pemilu Serentak Nasional d
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Partial election arrangements, in the form of legislative election laws (Law No. 8/2012), presidential election laws (Law No. 42/2008), and election laws (Law No. 1/2015 juncto Law No. 8/2015), as well as election organizer laws (Law No. 15/2011), have produced 4 serious problems: first, overlap and contradiction of regulation; second, repetition or duplication of settings; third, different standards on the same issue; and fourth, incoherent in regulating the system of legislative elections and executive elections. By itself all four issues cause uncertainty and injustice of electoral law. []

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Usep Hasan Sadikin telah menerima ulasan berbintang di Publishers Weekly, Library Journal, dan Booklist. Dia adalah new York Times dan buku terlaris USA Today dan pemenang ® RITA.
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