Civil Society Coalition and Bawaslu Collaborate to Combat Disinformation

Koalisi Masyarakat Sipil dan Bawaslu Bergotong Royong Lawan Disinformasi
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Koalisi Masyarakat Sipil Lawan Disinformasi Pemilu [The Civil Society Coalition on Election Disinformation] met with the Election Supervisory Body (Bawaslu) to discuss the prevention and enforcement of election disinformation for the 2024 Elections. Both parties work together in combating disinformation by forming a multi-stakeholder forum and collaboration on election education and monitoring.

“Today's audience was held because after the MoU was signed, there have been no further discussions. According to our communication with Bawaslu, there is an urgent issue that needs to be addressed swiftly because there are questions that require a response from Bawaslu," said Amalia Salabi, a researcher from the Association for Elections and Democracy (Perludem), at the Bawaslu Office in Central Jakarta on October 12th.

In more detail, Amel emphasized that this coalition has four main activities. First, election anti-hoax education. Second, prebunking or hoax vaccination. Third, fact-checking. Fourth, content moderation.

Bawaslu member, Lolly Suhenty, explained that this forum is a follow-up to discussions held in 2022. At that time, Bawaslu, along with social media platforms and civil society, engaged in discussions, one of which involved discussing community standards.

"This meeting is important because we've been in motion since 2022. The MoU is already in place, but it hasn't become a unified force, so we are not updated on what Bawaslu is doing," said Lolly.

In addition to representatives from Perludem and independent researchers, there were also representatives from other civil society organizations. Among them were the Indonesian Anti-Defamation Society (Masyarakat Antifitnah Indonesia or Mafindo), the Center for Strategic and International Studies (CSIS), the Network for Democracy and Electoral Integrity (Netgrit), the Legislative Monitoring Committee (Komite Pemantau Legislatif or Kopel), ICT Watch, and the Center for Digital Society (CfDS) at Gadjah Mada University (UGM). []

Translated by Catherine Natalia