The Role of Students Determines the Quality of the 2024 Elections

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The role of students in strengthening the civil society movement is eagerly awaited. Especially as we approach the crucial 2024 elections, the role of students is very important in ensuring the quality of the elections.

"You (students) can monitor the elections. We can challenge the law through legal means, for instance, by filing a Judicial Review in the Constitutional Court," said Constitutional Law Expert Jimly Asshiddiqie in a discussion held by the Central Information Commission (KIP) with the theme "The Strategic Role of Students in Ensuring Election Information Transparency for an Open 2024 Election," in Jakarta (9/26).

According to Jimly, judicial review to the Constitutional Court is a part of student participation in policy matters. Elections are a democratic process that concerns the entire public interest. Therefore, Jimly believes that students can make corrections to regulations that contradict the spirit of Reform and the 1945 Constitution of the Republic of Indonesia.

"Because the elections are related to the image of the state. Let's not allow our elections to be of poor quality,"

According to Jimly, the future quality of democracy is determined by dignified elections. He suggests that student organizations can participate alongside the Central Information Commission (KIP) and the General Elections Supervisory Body (Bawaslu) to oversee the upcoming 2024 Elections. []


Translated by Catherine Natalia