The Elections Supervisory Body (Badan Pengawasan Pemilihan Umum or Bawaslu) has released a list of 10 provinces with the highest vulnerability in terms of the neutrality of Civil Servants (Aparatur Sipil Negara or ASN) in the 2024 Elections. These provinces are North Maluku, North Sulawesi, Banten, South Sulawesi, East Nusa Tenggara, East Kalimantan, West Java, West Sumatra, Gorontalo, and Lampung.
"Thus, in these 10 provinces, make sure that preventive efforts are accurate, so creativity should be encouraged," said Bawaslu member, Lolly Suhenty, during the "Launching of the Vulnerability Mapping for the 2024 Elections and Simultaneous Elections" in Manado, North Sulawesi, which was broadcast live on the Bawaslu RI YouTube channel on September 21st.
Lolly explained that the neutrality of Civil Servants (ASN) is the most vulnerable issue at the provincial level and requires preventive programs. She mentioned that the vulnerability of ASN could potentially occur in 22 provinces, with the top 10 provinces requiring different approaches for mitigation.
"Because civil servants have power from the top to the bottom, it is essential to balance it with a mutual commitment to neutrality," said Lolly.
Bawaslu also conveyed the vulnerabilities of ASN neutrality at the district and city levels. These areas include Siau Tagulandang Biaro Regency, Wakatobi, Ternate, East Sumba, Parepare City, Bandung Regency, Jeneponto, Mamuju, South Halmahera, Bulukumba, Maros, Tomohon City, South Konawe, Kotamobagu, Kediri District, North Konawe, Sula Islands, South Nias, Pangkajene Regency, Banjarbaru, Sigi, Dompu, East Luwu, and Poso.
"It is important for us to pay attention to this, as most of these issues arise during regional head elections. The preventive efforts that need to be undertaken, whether we like it or not, involve active communication and coordination with the local government. It's easier to prevent issues when we know each other well," she added. []
Translated by Catherine Natalia