The Association for Elections and Democracy (Perludem) launched an election website for the Asia Pacific region, This website is a participatory effort of Perludem to provide information space related to democracy and elections. The website, which was formerly called, continues to collect scattered and unsustainable election information and data and has become an alternative media that overcomes disinformation and election reporting that tends to be partisan biased.
“The news about the election, about democracy, the news covered more about the competition, the nomination, the results of the survey, which party is in a coalition with which party, who will be nominated. So almost media coverage is heavier on the issue of competition," Khoirunnisa said at the launch of on (11/8).
In fact, added Khoirunnisa, related to the holding of elections includes governance, actors, the election system, as well as law enforcement. For this reason, information about democracy and elections needs to get the same portion as news about election competitions.
With the support of The Asia-Pacific Regional Support for Elections and Political Transitions (RESPECT) program from the United States Agency for International Development (USAID), Perludem developed This site is a one-stop election information service for the Asia Pacific regional scale. Through a number of menus, tries to serve voters to be informed and empowered.
In her remarks, Chief of Party RESPECT Theresia Joice Damayanti, stated that is a shared commitment to strengthening democracy. This web is a dynamic space and a means of empowering the public. shows a shared determination to continue to improve elections, increase participation, and empower marginalized groups to access information about elections. Because misinformation, disinformation, and media bias can exacerbate democratic processes and erode integrity.
“Hopefully can become a light to highlight and provide information to decision makers and citizens in voting properly and this requires collaboration, inclusivity and exchange of ideas. It is in this case that is trying to become a bridge in order to be able to clarify the path so that everyone can participate in democracy," concluded Joice. []