The Election Organizer Honorary Council held a hearing to examine alleged violations of the Election Organizer Code of Ethics (KEPP) regarding the verification of political parties participating in the 2024 Election (Jakarta, 8/2). The trial case number 10-PKE-DKPP/I/2023 processed the Complainant, members of the Sangihe Islands KPU with the Defendant, members of the Central General Elections Commission (KPU) and the chairman and members of the North Sulawesi KPU, the chairman and members of the Sangihe Islands KPU, including the secretary and head technical section.
"I hereby declare that it is open and open to the public," said DKPP Chairman, Heddy Lugito, opening the session.
Sangihe Islands KPU member as a complainant named Jeck Stephen Seba, attended the trial virtually. He gave attorneys for Alghiffari Aqsa, Fadli Ramadhanil, Ibnu Syamsu Hidayat, and Airlangga Julio who were present at the trial in person.
Defendants, totaling 10. Defendants I to III, Meidy Yafeth Tinangon, Salman Saelalangi, and Lanny Anggriany Ointu are the Chair and Members of the North Sulawesi KPU. Defendant IV, 4. Lucky Firnando Majanto is the Secretary of the North Sulawesi KPU. Defendant V, Carles Y. Worotitjan is the Head of Technical Implementation of Elections, Participation, Public Relations, Law, and Human Resources at KPU North Sulawesi. Defendants VI-VIII, Elysee Philby Sinadia, Tomy Mamuaya, and Iklam Patonaung are the Chair and Members of the Sangihe Islands KPU. Defendant IX, Jelly Kantu is the Head of the Sangihe Islands KPU Technical and Community Participation Relations Subdivision. Defendant X, Idham Holik is a member of the central KPU.
In the Main Complaint, Defendants I to IX are suspected of changing the status of Not Qualified (TMS) to Qualified (MS) for the Indonesian People's Wave Party (Gelora), the Indonesian Change Guard Party (Garuda), the Indonesian Awakening Party (PKN), and the Labor Party in the process of administrative verification, repair administration verification, factual verification, and factual verification of repairs. Defendants I to IX changed the official report data in the Political Party Information System (Sipol) from 7 November to 10 December 2022.
Meanwhile Defendant X allegedly delivered threats in front of all KPU National Consolidation participants throughout Indonesia which were held at the Convention Hall Beach City Entertainment Center (BCEC), Ancol, North Jakarta. The threat is that orders must be upright, must not be violated, and those who violate them will be admitted to the hospital.
The trial, which took place from 10.00-16.00 WIB, with an hour break (12.00-13.00) was the first trial which contained a chronological presentation of alleged ethical violations including evidence. The next trial will be held on February 14, 2024, involving witnesses, experts and additional evidence. []